3/22/24 Beginner Handgun Training with Police Instructor Joe Morgan 9:00AM
Friday, Mar 22, 2024
9:00am – 10:30am
Beginner Handgun Training $100 ($25 deposit to register)
You MUST take your basic firearms safety class with South Shore Gun Training before taking this class.
This 1.5 hour shooting lesson will teach the fundamentals of safe and accurate pistol shooting from our NRA certified firearms instructors. The course fulfills the live fire training requirement for the municipalities in MA that require live fire. You do not need to own a firearm or have prior shooting experience. All firearms, ammunition and safety equipment will be provided.
This class has a 6-1 student-instructor ratio
During this course, you will:
- Learn how to safely handle, load, unload and shoot firearms
- Be able to identify different firearms and their primary parts
- Understand the mechanics of how a firearm functions
- Learn and practice the basics of grip, stance, sight alignment, sight picture, and trigger control
Your instructor, Joe Morgan, is a full time police detective and experienced police instructor. Learn more about Joe’s credentials by clicking here.
Event Location
Holbrook Sportsmens Club150 Quincy Street
Holbrook, Massachusetts, 02343